The Forerunner

Opening Verses of the Dhammapada

It is mind that leads the way.
Just as the wheel of the oxcart follows
the hoof print of the animal that draws it,
so suffering will surely follow
when we speak or act impulsively
from an impure state of mind.

All states of being are determined by mind.
It is mind that leads the way.
As surely as our shadow never leaves us,
so well-being will follow
when we speak or act
with a pure state of mind.

When we hold fast to such thoughts as,
“They abused me, mistreated me,
molested me, robbed me,”
we keep hatred alive.

If we thoroughly release ourselves
from such thoughts as,
“They abused me, mistreated me,
molested me, robbed me,”
hatred is vanquished.

Never by hatred is hatred conquered,
but by readiness to love alone.
This is eternal law.

Those who are contentious
have forgotten that we all die;
for the wise, who reflect on this fact,
there are no quarrels.

from A Dhammapada for Contemplation, a rendering by Ajahn Munindo, Aruna Publications, 2006, offered in celebration of the 25th anniversary of Aruna Ratanagiri: Harnham Buddhist Monastery.