- Economics for the People
- The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone
Residential Segregation in the U. S.
- Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, a Film by Judith Helfand
- How Our Government Segregated the U. S.: Richard Rothstein, 01/2017
- The Neighborhoods We Will Not Share: Richard Rothstein, 01/2020
Land Inequality
Wealth & Income Inequality
- Ending Poverty in the United States Would Actually Be Pretty Easy,
Jacobin Magazine, 01/2021 - The Cornices and the Spreadsheets,
Robby Porter, The Daily Yonder, 12/2020 - Why is There Hunger in the Midst of Plenty?,
Bhikkhu Bodhi, Buddhist Global Relief, 12/2020 - Gilded-Giving: Perils of Top-Heavy Philanthropy, 11/2018
- An Economy for the 1%: Oxfam, 01/2016
- Even It Up: Oxfam Report on Extreme Inequality
- Federal Reserve Bulletin: 01/2014
- Nine Charts on U. S. Wealth Inequality:The Nonprofit Quarterly
- The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone